IoT Services

Ensuring success to your IoT project

The IoT Value realization

The Internet of Things (IoT) presents tremendous opportunities when it comes to making your products smarter and connected. it gives your R&D departments easy access to valuable information from the field. It increases efficiency and reliability in your manufacturing processes and can change the way you respond to service requests. Getting the IoT implementation right can be a real game changer for many areas of your business.

We help companies implement IoT but we also take an active part in realizing the value. A task that has proven to be difficult for many companies and several questions typically came up once the technology part has been sorted out:

  • What kind of data makes sense to store?
  • How can we analyze and make use of large data volumes?
  • How do we integrate IoT solutions in our existing processes?
  • How do we turn our IoT solutions into a concrete offering for our customers?
  • How do we run ongoing improvement projects spanning multiple departments and competences in an efficient way?

SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇås standards-based framework approach along with agile project methodologies, and pre-made templates takes you to first value demonstration quickly.

Why do IoT projects fail?

Numerous studies have been made on why many IoT projects fail to realize the expected value or not making it past proof of concepts. A common theme in these studies is that the problem in most cases is not related to technical challenges, but rather:

  • Not spending enough time on identifying the key use cases the solution is meant to resolve.
  • Not having clarity on how the IoT system will be integrated in the existing workflows.
  • Not specifying the success criteria of the IoT project.
  • Not having a strategy for taking advantage of the collected data.

A successful IoT project typically requires a multi-discipline approach where several departments get involved and where the initiative has active senior level sponsorship and involvement.

IoT projects with SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå

SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå aims to be your partner throughout your IoT initiatives. We base our approach on two key fundamentals:

  • Early focus on value identification and realization. Which are the key factors leading to success with your IoT solution? What are the main obstacles preventing you from reaching them? Which are the quickest steps we can take to prove quick wins?
  • Quick start technical evaluation. We want to get the technology discussions sorted out as quickly as possible. We achieve this by using a standards-based framework for connectivity and data visualization along with an agile project methodology with a clear focus to get to a minimum viable product early on.

Our goal is to help you become successful with your vision for digitization of your products and services. You provide the content and we provide platforms and experts that can help you with the technology and systems to work in your applications. We know that when it comes to moving from strategy to implementation, it is important to have access to knowledgeable people who are close and on short notice can help you.

SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇås proven expertise in systems integrations and data flows for manufacturing companies gives us a good understanding of how your IoT solutions could interact with other key systems holding important product, manufacturing and service related data. This provides a good foundation for realizing the full value of Digital Twins and smart connected operations.


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