Let us take care of your PLM system management

myPDS PLM Cloud

The cloud has become a critical element for companies moving towards a cohesive Digital Thread. Cloud addresses the need for product development companies to optimize their IT spending, connect multiple locations, and keep up with the latest technology while staying focused on the innovation of their products. SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå Cloud allows PTC solutions to thrive in any industry.

Our industry-leading hosted PLM solution enables customers to utilise PTC Windchill whilst also accessing all the benefits of a SaaS platform. A simple annual cost encompasses everything required to get started with PLM without any IT burden and with all the reassurances that your data is secure, easily accessible, and system up to date and well maintained.

myPDS Cloud allows companies to quickly stand up a Windchill PLM environment while not limiting themselves to opportunities to extend and grow the system over time.  For over ten years, SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå has been enabling companies to leverage Windchill on the Cloud while also benefiting from the Windchill experience, expertise, and recommendations that SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå can provide.

Get in touch


Get started with PLM in the fastest possible way.


A system that scales with your needs.


State of the art security to keep your data protected.

Approach and deliverables

We have worked actively with the major cloud providers to achieve a robust, scalable and secure cloud hosting solution at an attractive price level. Our team of IT and Windchill experts have developed a hosted alternative that takes full advantage of PTC Windchills leading PLM technology in combination with the flexibility and scalability a cloud solution offers.

myPDS PLM Cloud offer includes the following areas:

  • Hosted environment
  • Systems administration services. We perform all the necessary runtime operations, e.g. performance monitoring and tuning, database administration, publish and CAD Worker optimization and vault management.
  • Backup and recovery. We make sure all critical failure points are backed up and has a validated recovery plan.
  • Software licensing management. All software management tasks performed on a regular basis.
  • Advanced Security Capabilities. State of the art security package, including anti-virus, anti-intrusion, firewalls, security updates and patches.
  • Practice based deployment. Quick start approach for initial setup and deployment of new functionality, utilizing SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇås collected best-practices from many years of Windchill implementations.
  • Training and enablement. Standard training package for the typical user roles and modules to make sure you can quickly be productive in the system.

Talk to us

Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

Get in touch