SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå helps to lower costs, stay competitive and improve efficiency

Products as services are shifting the balance

The industrial machinery industry is facing a number of trends and challenges that are creating a new landscape for manufacturers. Outcome-based products and products as services are shifting the balance from products to services as manufacturers’ needs change to accommodate sustainability initiatives and increase overall value to the customer. New entrants are also driving product innovation with connectivity, remote maintenance, and customer self-service capabilities. Expansion into new markets and increasing regulatory requirements in existing markets are leading to greater product complexity to ensure regulatory compliance.

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Industrial machinery industry must stay on top of trends by increasing investment in technology to support innovative product development

Rising costs due to constant technological advancements

These trends have created challenges for manufacturers in the industrial machinery industry, such as shrinking margins due to competition, rising costs due to constant technological advancements, and increasingly complex regulations that must be followed. In addition, to maintain a critical competitive advantage, manufacturers must find new ways to add more value-added features to products, provide consumers with a smoother and interactive user experience, and leverage existing customer data more efficiently than ever before.

Manufacturers in the industrial machinery industry must stay on top of trends by increasing investment in technology to support innovative product development and deliver value to customers. Creating solutions based on connectivity and new ways of sharing data are also necessary to gain competitive advantage and enable steady success.

Trends and challenges are occurring in the industrial machinery industry, but it is possible for manufacturers that invest in technology, develop innovative and value-driven products, and provide customers with a personalized experience to differentiate themselves from the competition. By addressing these trends, manufacturers in the industrial machinery industry can maintain their competitive advantage and contribute to a successful business. With the right investments in technology and innovation, manufacturers are able to meet increasing demands and ensure greater customer satisfaction.

Main challenges

  • Labor Retention/Shortage of Skilled Workers
  • Customer Self-Service Capabilities
  • Navigating Changing Regulations and Laws
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Solutions
  • IoT: Machine Learning, Predictive Maintainance

Industry Insights

Industrial Machinery

Trends and challenges are impacting the industrial machinery industry and creating a new landscape for manufacturers. Outcome-based products and products as a service are shifting the balance between products and services as manufacturers’ needs change to accommodate sustainability initiatives and increase overall value to customers. New entrants are also driving innovation in products with connectivity, remote service and self-service. Expansion into new markets and increasing regulatory requirements in existing markets are adding product complexity to ensure compliance. Manufacturers in the industrial machinery industry must adapt to these trends to maintain their competitive advantages and continue to be successful. With the right investments in technologies and innovations, manufacturers can meet the increasing requirements and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Industrial Machinery Industry Solutions

SWAGÃâ·Ñ¸ßÇå enables capabilities and processes to support New Product Introduction / Development, Product Change and Sustainability, Variant Management and Product Obsolescence of Industrial Products. Apart from the core PLM services, we deliver value by the following solutions to support the manufacturing strategies for the industrial products – ETO (Engineer-to-order), MTO (Make-to-order), ATO (Assemble-to-order) & MTS (Make-to-stock):

  • Build and delivery design automation solution to support CTO (Configure to order) and ETO (Engineer to order) ordering process
  • Configure and build platform design structures
  • Conduct workshops for rules definition for configurable platform design – sales, engineering, region specific and global platform rules
  • Configure and build rules framework to support variant BOM management
  • Integrate with ERP for real time cost and lead time information for CTO and ETO orders

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Digital transformation is everything. Get it right! Talk to us. Our team is on hand to answer your questions.

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